Saturday, July 19, 2008

Book Review: Positively False

This is the book written by Floyd Landis stripped 2006 Tour de France winner. The subtitle of the book is "The real story of how I won the Tour de France". The first half of the book is a general biography showing how he got into pro cycling. The second is about the Tour doping accusations. Starting out the book, I knew that it would be all about how the claims were preposterous. The events are laid out in chronological order and are very detailed. I sometimes wonder how authors can remember word for word what was said to them or by them, but that's getting off topic. I really enjoyed the storytelling.

The book really takes off after the Tour when he is accused of doping. I'll come right out and say it,... I believe that Landis should not have lost his title. I'm not saying that I'm positive that he didn't dope, but his team of supporters found mistake after mistake in the testing and procedures. The arguments made by him and his defense team are very viable and after reading I feel like the test was botched beyond a reasonable doubt and that his result should not have been deemed positive. There are a few main points which are explained in detail throughout the book and in pointing these out, Landis questions both the procedures, desires, and accuracy of WADA and the USADA, the world and united states anti-doping agencies.

It's a great read and leaves you with both the evidence and defense for you to make up your mind. Again I give a 3/3. (Maybe because I find the subject matter so interesting)

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